Majlis Berbuka Puasa – May 2022
“Majlis Berbuka Puasa” organized by BOG At KL Traders Hotel.
Valve Automation Stage 2 Installation Of Liquiphant & Mov: BOG and ATB Staff Training.
Fabrotech industies is a manufacturer of pipeline strainers and we are considered an intergral part of the supply chain for public utilities, thepharmaceutical industry, natural gas transmission pipelines, etc. Based on the business listing released by the state of New York, we are listed as an “essential” service provider, due to our role as a …
Rotork products are designed for applications in virtually all upstream, midstream and downstream activities, ranging from offshore production, pipelines and storage facilities all the way through to the distribution and transportation of finished products via pipelines or vessels. Rotork specialise in producing actuators and related flow control equipment for every part of the oil and …